But here it is I've found a solution for this problem, here's how you do it but first it requires you to have:
1. Adobe/Macromedia Flash Plugin/Player (of course!)
2. Any Visual Basic Studio/Express that has Web Browser component I think but I'm using VB Studio 2005.
Many web browsers can play swf directly without the standalone player because they have plugins, if you don't have plugins yet download at Adobe Flash Player. That's why I used WebBrowser Tool.
Easy simple steps:
1. Create a New Project, and name it "TestApp" (this is for testing purpose only, import it in your project later when you get the steps.
2. Now you have the form, Drag and drop WebBrowser Tool from the Toolbox to your Form.
3. Go to the properties window, change Url with "Path of your .swf file" or in code:
Public Class Form1It has disadvantages, can't control you movie with buttons in the form like play and stop.
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
WebBrowser1.Url = New System.Uri("Path of your SWF File", System.UriKind.Absolute)
End Sub
End Class
First you have to configure it in your SWF File, like put a button to play it.
nosebleed! haha
Nope, it's not it's a simple code... hehe...
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